Product Information and Care FAQs

Welcome to our Product Information and Care FAQs page. Here, you’ll find detailed answers to questions about our various tree types, flower borders, bundles, and care instructions.


1. Pleached Trees

What are pleached trees?

Pleached trees are trained to grow flat against a frame, creating a structured, elegant screen. They are perfect for adding height and privacy to your garden.


Choosing the right pleached trees for your garden

Which trees provide instant privacy?

Choose an evergreen with the widest stem girth possible. A larger stem girth usually means greater maturity, foliage cover, and better privacy screening.

How many trees do I need?

To calculate the number of trees needed, divide the width of the boundary by the frame width (standard width is 120cm). Round down if needed, with a small buffer between trees.

If your boundary is not divisible by 120cm and/or you would like a specific number of trees, we can custom pleach bespoke frame widths of up to 180cm.

What size trees do I need?

To calculate the number of trees needed, divide the width of the boundary by the frame width (standard width is 120cm). Round down if needed, with a small buffer between trees.

If your boundary is not divisible by 120cm and/or you would like a specific number of trees, we can custom pleach bespoke frame widths of up to 180cm.

How long do the bamboo pleach frames last?

The lifespan of the bamboo pleached frames can vary depending on the environmental conditions it's exposed to. Generally, a well-maintained bamboo pleached frame can last anywhere from 5 to 10 years. As the bamboo frame naturally starts to deteriorate over time, you have a couple of options for maintenance. You can either remove the frames if the trees have matured enough to hold their shape independently, or you can replace sections with new bamboo. Replacement bamboo is readily available at local garden centres, making it easy to maintain your pleached trees.

Can I speak to someone to narrow down the options?

Absolutely! Our team is available via email or online chat from 8am-8pm daily, or you can call us between 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday.

Can I see a photo of the particular tree I'm interested in?

Certainly! We're more than happy to send you any photos we have on file. While we're diligently building our photo library, please note that we may not have a photo for every variant available.

Our sales and customer service team is based in Hampshire, but many of our trees are located in the Norfolk or Cheshire nurseries. These trees are typically in common sizes and are among our best-selling species. We regularly take photos in the nurseries and aim to update our website with these images as frequently as possible.

For more specific sizes or species, we collaborate with nurseries to import trees from European growers, mainly in Italy or Holland. For example, our Camellias are imported to order. Providing real-time photos of these imported trees can be challenging, but we can often show you photos of the same species, albeit in a slightly different size or from previous years.

The same limitation applies to custom pleaching. Since these trees are tailored to order, we can't provide a photo beforehand due to their bespoke nature. However, we can show you images of other custom pleaching projects we've completed.

We understand it’s reassuring to know the plant you're buying is in great shape and health, which is why we conduct rigorous checks on every plant leaving our nursery. If you can't find a photo of the tree you're interested in, please contact us.

Can you help me find a particular tree?

If you're looking for a specific size or species, please contact us, and we'll do our best to help.

Which trees are suitable if I have pets?

We are to help you create a beautiful outdoor space while prioritising the well-being of your beloved pets. We've referenced the HTA Guide to Potentially Harmful Plants, 3rd Edition (2022), and created our Pet-friendly collection. We created this collection based on the HTA guide to help you filter out known offenders. However, it's important to note that any plant material can cause vomiting and gastrointestinal upset if ingested by dogs or cats, and no species is entirely pet-safe. Therefore, it remains the responsibility of the buyer to ensure that the selected species aligns with their own needs of their pets before completing an order.

Which trees are suitable if I have hayfever?

Choose a low-pollen species (such as Magnolia) and keep the trees well-watered to reduce stress, as stressed trees produce more pollen as a survival instinct. Planting pleached trees may also act as a barrier, shielding the garden from larger pollen-producing trees.

How do I choose the right size pleached tree for my garden?

Consider the height and maturity of the tree. For immediate impact, choose a tree with a larger stem girth and clear stem height. For a more budget-friendly option, select a younger tree that will grow into its frame over time.

How heavy are the trees?

The weight of our trees varies depending on several factors such as the size of the tree, the species, and recent watering. Generally, 150cm clear stem trees with a 6-8cm stem girth typically weigh from 15-25kg, while 180cm clear stem trees with a 12-14cm stem girth typically weigh from 50-75kg. Very mature trees can weigh up to 150kg.

When my trees arrive, how easy is it to move the trees by myself?

Our trees are typically in 30L pots, and the average tree weighs around 50kg. While they're designed to be manageable for customers to move, having an extra pair of hands can make the process easier. Our delivery team is also fantastic and experienced in assisting customers with moving trees. However, it's important to note that we are unable to bring trees through your home or provide cranes for lifting trees.


Planting your trees

Do you provide planting advice?

Our team is happy to provide general information and on each of ourpleached treepages, you'll find links to the RHS for their helpful guide and more details about each species. We have a comprehensive care guide titled "The Complete Guide to Pleached Trees". However, we are unable to offer specific advice on the suitability of tree types or species for particular purposes or locations. It is the buyer's responsibility to ensure that the intended location and prevailing weather conditions are suitable, and to carefully consider the planning requirements for a specific tree before placing an order.

When should I plant my trees?

Our potted trees are suitable for planting all year round, except when the ground is frozen or during droughts.

What spacing is recommended and how far apart can you plant pleached trees?

Pleached trees are designed to create a uniform screen, so they are typically planted edge-to-edge. However, depending on the length of the boundary, a small buffer of 5-10cm can also work. This slight gap can be closed over time by training the branches to fill the space. If your boundary length does not divide evenly by 120cm (the standard width frame) and you want an exact fit we do offer custom pleaching.

How close to my fence can I plant my trees?

You can plant your pleached trees close to the fence. However, we recommend stepping them in slightly to ensure there's enough space for pruning and adjusting the frame as needed. This allows for proper maintenance and healthy growth.

Can I plant my trees near my house and are the roots invasive?

Leave a sensible distance when planting near your or your neighbour's property to allow for growth and maintenance. Most of our trees do not have invasive root systems, making them suitable for planting near buildings. However, Eucalyptus is an exception and has more invasive roots.

What size pots do your trees come in?

The typical tree pot size is around 35L, with an approximate 45cm diameter and 35cm height.

How deep does the hole for planting need to be?

The typical tree pot size is around 35L, with an approximate 45cm diameter and 35cm height. Aim for around 1.5 times the size of the original pot, wide enough to accommodate the root ball of the tree. Watch Award-Winning Designer & BBC1's Garden Rescue Presenter, Garden Ninja Lee Burkhill, explain the process in this fantastic "How to Plant Pleached Trees" video.

Should I remove the wire around the rootball when planting?

Most of our trees are pot-grown and will arrive potted. However, between October and March, some may have a rootball. You may wish to leave the wire around the rootball when planting.

Can I plant the trees in pots, containers, or raised beds?

Yes, pleached trees can indeed be grown in pots, containers, or raised beds. When selecting a container for your pleached trees, it's important to ensure it offers enough space for their roots to spread comfortably. Adequate depth and width are crucial to accommodate their root systems. Our potted trees typically have a pot size of around 35L, with an approximate diameter of 45cm and a height of 35cm. We recommend using larger and heavier pots to prevent the trees from toppling over. Additionally, it's advisable to stake your trees and secure your pots to maintain stability. Ensure the container has drainage holes to prevent waterlogged soil, which can be detrimental to tree health. Regular watering is essential to maintain soil moisture levels, and applying a balanced fertilizer can support their growth and vitality.

What's the minimum border or container size needed for planting?

The border depth is up to you, as long as it allows for the size of the pot. You can opt for slim borders, around 50cm, or deeper borders, approximately 120cm, which allow for underplanting.

How should I prepare my border for planting pleached trees?

It is best to have a clear, flat, well-draining border that is free of weeds. If your garden is on a slope, try to level it as much as possible beforehand. However, it is possible to plant pleached trees slightly deeper (up to 20cm) to achieve visually level foliage.

Do I have to buy staking kits?

No, but we highly recommend adding our staking kits to your order. They offer stability and help your new trees get off to the best start. Our kits are affordably priced.

I've opted for a young pleached tree, how much growth can I expect each year?

The annual growth rate of a young pleached tree can vary based on the species, growing conditions, and care. Generally, pleached trees are pruned to maintain their size and shape, so as the tree matures, the growing energy goes into thickening up the foliage for better screening. As a rule of thumb, young pleached trees typically increase by one stem girth size (1-2cm) each year. This increase in stem girth is accompanied by an increase in the density of the foliage. By providing the right conditions and care, you can expect your pleached tree to thrive and grow at a steady pace.


How do I care for my plants?

How do I care for my pleached trees and ready-made border plants?

All plants need proper care to be happy and thrive. You can find the pleached tree care guide, where you'll discover all the tips and tricks to keep them looking their best. For further information or assistance, we recommend checking out the Royal Horticultural Society's website. It's a fantastic resource with a wealth of knowledge to help you care for your plants and let Mother Nature work her magic.

How often do I need to prune my pleached trees?

As a general rule of thumb, pruning your pleached trees twice a year is recommended. However, for more detailed guidance, be sure to check out the pruning guide.

Do pleached trees grow taller?

Generally, pleached trees are designed to maintain their size and shape through pruning. We recommend trimming your trees at least once a year to maintain their shape, similar to a traditional hedge. Some species, like Nellie R. Stevens, are slower-growing and require less maintenance than faster-growing varieties like Leylandii. However, you don't have to let the foliage stop at the edges of the pleach frames once your tree reaches that stage. These frames are there for the training stage, acting like a skeleton. Once the foliage thickens up, you will be able to keep the foliage on top to whatever dimensions work for you. Growth patterns can vary between species.

Do you offer a plant guarantee?

No. We do not offer plant guarantees. Plants can deteriorate quickly without the right care. Especially when customers plant the trees themselves, as numerous factors beyond our control can affect plant health, including environmental conditions, pests, soil quality, watering practices, and after-care.

Instead, we prioritise providing high-quality and great-value pleached trees and plants to our customers. While we don't provide a plant guarantee, it's essential to note that all our plants undergo thorough quality checks before leaving the nursery.

We've published a care guide designed to support you in maintaining your trees from delivery through the crucial initial two years until they're fully established. Regular observations for signs such as yellowing leaves, disease, and pests are crucial.

We cannot be held responsible for the condition of the plant or any pests or diseases that might develop in the new environment.


How should I care for my pleached trees?

Regular watering, pruning, and fertilizing are key. Ensure the trees are well-supported and check for pests regularly. Our care guide provides detailed instructions for each species.


2. Olive Trees

What are the benefits of mature olive trees?

Mature olive trees add a touch of Mediterranean charm to your garden. They are hardy, low-maintenance, and produce delicious olives. Their distinctive look makes them a focal point in any landscape.

Are Olive Trees Hardy?

Absolutely! Olive trees are incredibly robust and can handle a wide range of conditions. At Ortus Vita, our trees are grown outdoors, experiencing all weather extremes—from hot sun to heavy snow. This makes them strong and resilient.

However, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Winter Care for Potted Trees: Don’t let your potted olive tree dry out in winter. Our research in Worcestershire showed that hydrated trees withstand sub-zero temperatures better than dry ones. So, keep them watered, especially before a freeze.
Can Olive Trees Thrive in Pots?

Yes, olive trees thrive in pots if you keep their crowns trimmed and well-watered. Here’s a fun idea: build a bottomless box around the base of your trees using new sleepers from your local builder’s merchant. It’s cost-effective, attractive, and provides extra soil space for under-planting with herbs.

Can Olive Trees Be Planted in the Ground?

Olive trees love being planted directly in the ground, especially in alkaline, sandy, gravelly, or chalky soils. If you have clay soil, ensure it drains well by testing with a water-filled hole. For poor drainage, consider planting the tree half-in, half-out of the ground, grading soil up to the root ball. This not only helps with drainage but also adds height and visual interest.

What Sort of Soil and Drainage Do Olive Trees Like?

Good drainage is key! Use a topsoil and compost mix, with crocks and broken bricks/stones in the bottom of your pot or hole. For poorly drained soil, a French drain can work wonders.

How Long Will It Take a Young Olive Tree to Grow to Maturity?

Young olive trees have smooth trunks that take many years to change. With proper care, they’ll grow strong and beautiful over time.

I Don’t Want a Tree That Will Grow Too Large – How Large Will an Olive Tree Grow?

In the UK, olive tree trunks won’t change much. The crown will grow, but you can control its size with annual pruning during the growing season.

Can I Keep an Olive Tree Indoors?

Yes, you can! With enough light and proper watering, olive trees thrive indoors. They look fantastic in hotels, restaurants, shops, offices, art galleries, and even shopping malls. They make stunning container trees for your home too.

How do I plant and maintain mature olive trees?

Plant olive trees in well-drained soil with plenty of sunlight. Water regularly but avoid overwatering. Prune annually to maintain shape and encourage fruit production. Our detailed guide offers step-by-step instructions.

What seasonal care do mature olive trees require?

In winter, protect olive trees from frost with covers or move potted trees indoors. In spring and summer, ensure adequate watering and check for pests. Our seasonal care guide provides specific tips for each time of year.

I Live in London at the Top of a Block of Flats – I Want an Old Olive Tree for the Balcony, Is This Possible?

Yes, it’s possible, depending on your balcony's load-bearing capacity. Many London deliveries require special logistics. If a tree is too large for stairs or a lift, hiring a crane is an option. We can offer advice on this.

I Want an Old Olive Tree in a Container on My Patio – Is This Possible

Absolutely! Ensure there’s adequate drainage and that the container is large enough to house the tree’s root ball. Place the container in its permanent spot before planting to avoid moving it later.


3. Fruit Trees

Which fruit tree varieties are most popular for UK gardens?

Apple, pear, and cherry trees are popular choices for UK gardens. They are well-suited to the climate and produce delicious fruit. Our selection includes a variety of species to suit different tastes and garden sizes.

What are the ideal growing conditions for fruit trees?

Fruit trees thrive in well-drained soil with plenty of sunlight. Ensure they are planted in an area with good air circulation. Regular watering and fertilization are essential for healthy growth and fruit production.

How do I properly prune and harvest fruit trees?

Prune fruit trees in late winter to early spring, removing dead or diseased branches. Harvest fruit when it is fully ripe and easily detaches from the tree. Our pruning and harvesting guide provides detailed instructions.


4. Flower Borders

How do I design a beautiful flower border?

Start by choosing a color scheme and selecting plants with varying heights and blooming times. Consider the soil type and sunlight in your garden. Our design guide offers tips and plant suggestions to help you create stunning flower borders.

What plants are best suited for flower borders in the UK?

Hardy perennials like lavender, salvia, and geraniums are excellent choices. They thrive in UK climates and provide long-lasting color. Our plant selection guide offers more recommendations based on your garden conditions.

When is the best time to plant flower borders?

Planting in early spring or autumn is ideal, giving plants time to establish before extreme weather. Our planting guide provides a seasonal calendar to help you plan your garden.


5. Tree Bundles and Screens

What are the benefits of purchasing tree bundles?

Tree bundles offer a cost-effective way to create cohesive garden designs. They include complementary trees and screens for privacy and beauty. Our bundles are curated to ensure compatibility and visual appeal.

How can I customize a tree bundle to suit my garden?

Contact our customer service team to discuss your specific needs. We can adjust tree types, sizes, and quantities to create a bundle that perfectly fits your garden.

How do I properly install and care for tree screens?

Install tree screens by spacing trees evenly and supporting them with stakes. Regular watering and pruning are essential for healthy growth. Our installation and care guide provides step-by-step instructions.